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How does HackerHitch work?


Let us know what kind of freelancer you need.

What is your tech stack? Any specific skills? 


Let us know what kind of job you need. The more details the better. Whether it’s a single freelancer or a cross-functional team, HackerHitch can handle it.


After we get the job description, our team will review it and connect with you in order to answer any questions and to get an even better understanding of your exact needs.


We'll get you the perfect match.

We notify you when we found the best match among our pool of talent.


Our process involves filtering through our pool of talent until the perfect match is found.


If we do not have someone readily available, we will work endlessly to find a match.


They join your team!

We handle all introductions and management.

When you say go, they start working with you.


As soon as you review and sign-off on our recommended freelancer(s), they’ll be ready to join your team.


Although our engagements are predominately remote, arrangements can be made for on-site work.


They work with you with no risk involved.

If you're not satisfied during the trial period, restart the process for NO COST!


No risk trial period means that, if, for whatever reason, you are not completely satisfied with the provided freelancer, you may cancel the engagement for no cost. You are able to find another freelancer, or stop using the service all together.

Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by email.

© 2018 by HackerHitch

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